I got my hands on a Mamiya 645 1000s to try out medium format film. The camera is a bit cumbersome, but I'm sure with more use I'll become more used to all the functions. It was also my first time using 120 film, which resulted in a slight light leak in the first photo because I didn't know how to seal the film after taking it out of the camera properly...oops!
It was a beautiful day in Santa Monica. It rained the day before, which meant the usually smoggy LA air was clearer than usual and the sun decided to come out and play.
I loved how this woman was basking in the sun, but I tried to keep my distance to not be rude or creepy.
If you've ever driven down PCH by Santa Monica you've probably noticed that pink and purple house. I love how the "Barbie" colored house right next to the all black house, it's an interesting juxtaposition.
All photos taken with Kodak Ektar 100 120 film.